Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday November 27: LaBelle on the Okeechobee Waterway

It was an early start yesterday to cross Lake Okeechobee. Tide's In passed us as we untied from the dolphins. It was a nice night and we were actually stationary enough to be able to tune into Monday night football. Stephen and Pam on Tide's In have spent the last 3 winters in Banana Bay so it was fun to see someone we knew on the waterway!

Funny thing about the lock: we just drove through it! The lake was the same level as the waterway leading up to it so no raising or lowering needed – easy for sure :-)

This lake lived up to its reputation as the second largest fresh water lake in the US (Lake Michigan is the largest) as we couldn't see any shoreline once we were out on the lake. It was a nice crossing with the winds calm but building by the time we were across (about 3 hours). Good thing we left when we did.

We tried to see the lake one of the times we had driven my mom down here but from the area around the lake, you can't see it at all! Only thing you can see is the earthen levee around it.

Once across the lake, it was another 7 miles around the edge in an almost canal like area that rims the lake. You can see the very tall mound of dirt that keeps the lake in its place. The visitor center at the St. Lucie lock stated that if this levee had been build today it would never be build with dirt and stone! Nice public areas in this area though.

The birds sure liked to follow the guy mowing the grass. I'm not sure what they find in the cut grass but they seemed to follow any of the mowers we saw along the route. Very similar to the seagulls that followed us across the lake today.

We stopped about 1 pm at Moore Haven. A very small town whose grocery store had just closed for good last Saturday. Now everyone has to drive at least 45 minutes to the next closest store. There was no evidence of industry – not sure what keeps folks in this area. However, I was able to finally get a haircut which was GREAT and long overdue. Almost took the scissors to my hair ….. always a bad outcome ….

Today was a short 25 miles to Labelle, FL. Mostly farmland along the river again – very little evidence of homes or anything else. The water plants (most likely an invasive species) were really evident in one area of the river in particular. This was also at the visitor center. Amazing how quickly it can take over a waterway.

This little bird seemed to be enjoying the ride down the river though :-)

We're docked adjacent to Tide's In tonight (and tomorrow night as we are both staying another night) at LaBelle. Really nice docks – free with power included. Can't beat that for sure.

So off came the bikes and we made the 1 ½ mile ride to Winn-Dixie. I loved the sign along the street warning of the live oaks overhanging the street. In Ohio, these would just be trimmed back but not here in the south! The live oaks are like sacred trees with the arms often totally grown across the street.

Shopping again with backpacks. Limited needs as we will be leaving the boat next week for a trip to Ohio. We were sure spoiled by having a car during the month we spent at New Bern.

Tomorrow: Thanksgiving – parades, football and a good dinner. What more could we want?

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