Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday November 25: St. Lucie Lock

So Steve has been trying to find the best way to hard boil an egg. You know - so the shell comes off easily and in large pieces instead of loosing half of the egg white being stuck to the shell.

After many attempts and hours spent internet searching, he thinks he has it!

1. The eggs have to not be 'fresh'. Several days at least in the fridge. The test is whether or not the egg stands up in a pot of water instead of laying on its side. Apparently the air pocket is larger if the egg is older.

2. Now put the eggs in cold water and bring to a boil for exactly 5 minutes.

3. Remove from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes.

4. Run cold water into the pot until the eggs are cooled.

Result? Easy to peel hard boiled eggs :-) Who knew?

It was an enjoyable morning as we were in no hurry. Only 24 miles to our next stop: the lock just below Lake Okeechobee.

After a few maintenance jobs (checking battery water, oil level in engine and generator and water levels in engine and generator), it was time for a stop at the visitor center for the lock. Nicely done displays with info about the history of the waterway. No movie though - I was sad :-(

Next a bike ride to the convenience store a couple of miles away. Of course it started sprinkling right after we were started but fortunately it didn't last. Nor did I :-) I stopped after a mile or so an let Steve go on without me.

Sadly, he got there and then realized he'd forgotten his wallet! Hard to believe but the guy that owned the place told him to just call and give him is credit card info when he got back to the boat. Mmmmm..... maybe this will be the most expensive dozen of eggs he ever bought - guess I'll check the credit card charges!

We were off about noon. The waterway is very similar to the Erie Canal. Relatively narrow, straight, tree lined river. This was dug so is one of those days when there is little wheel turning needed to drive the boat.

Anyone looking for a fixer-upper boat?? There was literally green growing stuff on the aft end of this tugboat. Don't think it's gone anywhere for a while :-)

What a pleasant day though. Very easy travel with an occasional glance at the depth gauge.

15 feet seems to be the norm along this canal. We pass lots of farmland - along with a fun group of horses that came running over to the waterway when we passed by.

An easy relaxing day. Clouds/sun came and went but still shorts and t-shirt (with the flybridge plastic up). No complaints from me.

Tonight we are tied front and back to "dolphins". Basically a bunch of poles that are all joined together. This makes up a dolphin. There are a row of 7 of them here near the lock.

What's nice is we can tie to them and as the lockmaster put it "stay as long as you like"! Well, that will only be until tomorrow morning but I'm thinking with this arrangement we will be held enough to permit viewing of the Monday night football game!

By the way, this is the view inside our cabin tonight! Seems that when we were completing our chores this morning, neither one of us thought about the consequences of turning off the battery power ... to the water pump which the washing machine needs to run.

No time to let it continue to the dry cycle so Steve improved a clothes line inside the cabin!

Nice job, Steve!!

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