Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday November 6: Myrtle Beach, SOUTH CAROLINA!!!

Sunrise this morning was fun to see (I was still sleeping but Steve was out and about!). I really like the palm trees we are now beginning to see on a regular basis.

The current was already going our way so it was time to head out. Breakfast on the road! And, by the way, I can no longer even go out to breakfast as Steve has perfected the egg white/crabmeat sandwich. Guess I may never see the inside of a restaurant the rest of my life :-)

The pelicans were lining the waterway as we continued our way south. It was a very pleasant day of travel with the sun in and out, the north winds blowing (which = cold air) and high tide traveling.

High tide is a good thing as we passed two areas which are always a concern traveling near Myrtle Beach.

No problem. Don't have to tell me twice to be sure to stay in the channel!

We passed several smaller inlets that look inviting except for the large waves that are indicating sand bars just waiting to snag the unsuspecting boater. They were outside the channel - we were safe.

Now these are the kinds of bridges that we like to see - the kind that we can easily fit under! Southern North Carolina has it together way more than the northern half as most of the bridges before here have been lift or swing bridges that we didn't fit underneath.

I'm quite sure the highway traffic is way happier also :-)

We have passed this sinking fishing boat quite a few times now and it seems that every time we pass the boat is lower and lower in the water. Wonder how it will be coming north next spring?

We arrived at Bearfoot Marina in Myrtle Beach about 1 pm - thanks to the favorable currents.

Steve headed off to the grocery store. The sales were a real stretch for his backpack. I mean after all how could he possibly turn down the 2 for 1 sales for card holders (of which he is now one!)?

Crabmeat (I see crabcakes in my future :-) ) and salmon along with other items that he just couldn't turn down.

It was one of those 'what was I thinking' by the time he made his way back to the boat.

Salmon for dinner tonight - no complaints for me for sure.

Meanwhile, I worked on the tv dish problem. If the Browns have another game like last Sunday, I want to be able to see it, right?

So after changing some cables out and reconnecting, we finally have input on both tuners. Which means we can watch not only one channel but watch one and record a second. Very helpful if two good shows are on at the same time.

Anyway, it was again a good day.

And a good sunset - once again.

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