Monday, June 26, 2017

Monday June 26: Hands Down! It's a Great Day :-)

And I literally mean 'hands down' :-)

Today marks the 11th week post surgery on my left hand and almost 6 months post on my right hand.

All 8 knuckle replacements turned out GREAT!!

Today's celebration marks the first time since Jan 18th (date of the right hand surgery) that one hand or the other hasn't had a cast, splint or dynamic splint on during the day. (Nighttime splints will continue for a number of months ....)

Which of course means I can now start doing the dishes again :-)

So I thought about to whom I am most thankful for in this 6 month endeavor. Certainly to Dr. David Friedman and his surgical team. Definitely to his support staff as well. And of course to my certified hand therapist Rosie. Also to all of the folks at Banana Bay for their support.

But really? I have to say I am most thankful for the most supportive person in all of this: Steve! He had no idea when he uttered those fateful words "in sickness and in health" almost 46 years ago what he was in for :-)

So for now it's two hands on the wheel again - what a great feeling!

I kept trying to convince Steve that I really thought it would be ok to ditch the current splint but he would have no part of it .... good thing he was there to keep me on the straight and narrow :-)

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