Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday April 10: Great Sale Cay

It was a 6:15 am alarm time for an early morning departure from the West End. The winds had calmed and were finally around to the east – time to head out! The destination was Great Sale Cay – 56 miles so about 8 hours. We followed Surona and four other sailboats out of the harbor.

One thing we are learning: the Abacos aren't really just a short 80 miles from Florida. After crossing the gulf stream, we are in the Bahamas but that's just the start! From the West End there is another almost 100 miles to the REAL part of the Abacos that everyone talks about – where the snorkeling and diving in crystal clear water is what we are looking for.

Regardless, it was a beautiful morning and east winds are predicted for the next week giving us time to trek the 100 miles to the real Abacos :-)

The first few miles were a little tense as the channel isn't deep enough for Surona (Peter and Cheryl's sailboat that draws 5.5 feet) unless we are going through at mid tide or higher. No problem though – we are their back up tow boat :-)

Once past the shallowest areas, we headed off as our speed is about a mile an hour faster than Surona so in an 8 hour day, we can shave an hour + off of the travel time. Gives Steve time to make a nice appetizer of fried conch. In the meantime, he spent some of the day reading on the flybridge and Surona travels in the company of one of the sailboats from the marina that left about the same time as us.

Of course you know he is fishing as we travel, right? So today it was five times that I heard the reel do it's “zing” thing – which means he has a fish on and it is pulling line out. Slow down until he reaches the back of the boat, then just keep the boat headed into the waves. First 3 times it was a small jack – too small to eat but still fun to catch. Last time? A barracuda! Yikes! Fun to catch but nasty, nasty teeth and no good to eat.

His fourth fish, though, was a very nice Spanish mackerel. Great to eat so once we were in and anchored for the night, I cleaned it. Great dinner – how can you beat fresh fish?? Peter and Cheryl dinghied over and joined us for the meal bringing the rice and veggies. There were lots of red peppers but I managed to avoid eating any :-)

Surona is anchored behind us and we saw the ketch that used to be owned by Walter Cronkite come in and anchor. The folks on it are Canadian and are traveling with one of the sailboats that made the trek over to Great Sale Cay with us today.

Just an FYI: the word cay is pronounced key. Not sure why the change of spelling from the Florida Keys to the Cays of the Bahamas ….. whatever :-)

Will sleep well tonight in a well protected anchorage with good holding.

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