Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday September 15: Too Much Work Around Here

Granted, the work being done needs to be done but somehow I envisioned a nice, relaxed visit here at the Marine Corps Air Station in Cherry Point with Matt and Wendy.

Not so much.

However, I have never been saluted before so it's really cool coming here! Seems that if I am driving Wendy's car onto the base, the guard at the gate checks my ID and my temporary pass and then gives me a salute! I disregard the fact that the marine is in fact saluting the 'car' as it is marked as belonging to an officer and pretend it's just me he's saluting :-) (not sexist - just haven't encountered any female guards at the gate yet).

We repainted the walkaround deck yesterday - probably the worst job we had on the list. First wash it well, lightly sand and then paint with Brightside paint. Easy to use paint. I trimmed and Steve rolled. The fun part was trying to get the boat closed up and then get off of it without walking on the deck! It requires the skill of walking around on the gunwales and then down the ladder.

After repairs were completed on the flybridge canvas, it was time to apply waterproofing again. We do this about once a year as it helps preserve the canvas - and keeps the drips from coming in on us :-)

Not hard - just mix the concentrate with water and use a paint roller to apply - let it dry and done.

Steve in the meantime continues to put more layers of fiberglass on the lazarette hatch. Being able to do this here at Matt and Wendy's definitely makes this an easier job. Lots of room and big pieces of cardboard!

There was a bit of time for fun - nerf football throwing for Wendy and Steve. Only not really for fun. Still, after 1 year, Steve is recovering from his broken arm. He's seeing a physical therapist while he is here so that is a good thing. The report back: he is doing REALLY great!! Guess that's because he's really worked at getting all of his movements back.

Today was back to the boat. The walkaround deck has had two days to dry which is good as the paint really takes several days to dry completely hard.

The jobs today: wash the outside of the boat down with soapy water. It came off ok but required some extra elbow work on the part of Steve. What seems like should be an easy job is not just because of the height of the boat.

Becky asked why we didn't hire someone to do this job. Good question - maybe next time we will :-)

Meanwhile, I worked inside wiping down the aft cabin with a clorox solution as there was a bit of mildew because the boat was closed up for 2 months in the heat. Need to find a way to get ventilation in next year.

The lazerette hatch is coming along well - just needs some fine tuned fitting and a couple more layers of fiberglass on the top. Otherwise, paint with Tuff Stuff for the anti-skid and then a top coat of Brightside to finish it off.

More laundry to do, more wiping down inside, resupply and we might begin to be on our way ....

Of course, it's really a nice view from the front porch so maybe we shouldn't be in such a rush :-)

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see everything is coming along well. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Dave
