Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 29: At Anchor in Barnes Sound

The plan for today: get up early so we could get across Biscayne Bay before the giant winds come tomorrow! All went well - more bridges to time - and we soon left Fort Lauderdale in the distance. Two bridges left and our GPS arrival time at the bridge was right on 8:15. Oh no - a no wake zone :-( Now our arrival at the bridge in question (according to the GPS) was 8:20. The bridge opened at 8:15 and then again at 8:45. Sadly it looked as though we weren't going to make it. Once out of the no wake zone we hit our blazing high speed of 8.5 mph and just made it on time!! YEA!! Only one more bridge and it was on demand (so you can go through anytime you want) - except there was a marathon this morning and guess which bridge everyone was running over. Right you are - so we dropped the anchor by the bridge and waited for about 50 minutes. Oh well - made us think of Matt and Rebecca! Headquarters for the marathon appeared to be in the park right downtown but we really couldn't spot the finish line.
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Goodbye Miami and Hello Biscayne Bay! What a difference in travel between downtown Ft. Lauderdale and Miami and the openness of the Bay. Looking back at Miami always puts how far we have come in perspective as we move slowly along.
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There is little wind (our front burgee wasn't hardly moving as we headed to the south end of the bay. Finally - the blue, clear waters of the Keys. The clouds all around continued to look threatening and it was easy to see the rain in the distance. Steve decided his job for today would be to clean all of the snaps and put zipper lubricant on the flybridge plastic. We felt quite sure we would be needing it tomorrow if not today. Note the use of the right arm!!! He continues faithfully do his exercises and it shows.
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The anchorage for tonight is about as protected as you can get around here. The chart shows where we are - tucked nicely into the little corner that will protect us from the predicted 20 mph winds that are supposed to start tonight and blow for the next 2 or 3 days. We may just stay here for a couple of days. Good news was the generator started!!! Steve suggested that perhaps because the engine compartment was quite hot that maybe the generator would start as it would be hot also. So all of the work on the solenoid paid off .. but we will still address the issue when we reach Marathon.

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