Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Play and Work - A Nice Balance

Weather for Sunday was predicted to be light winds and 1 ft seas so we decided to take the boat out to Sombrero Reef - about and hour and a half run to the Atlantic side of Marathon. Joe and Joy joined us in our first outing in the boat since we had arrived in Marathon 2 weeks ago. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day but just a bit windy. The wind and tide combined made for a not really pleasant ride but it's a trawler (by nature rocky/rolly)! This is the Sombrero Light.

Joy and Steve wore dive skins/gloves/fins/mask to snorkel as there are numerous Portuguese man of war floating on the water. The sting from these animals is quite nasty so all precautions possible were taken. Matt: you would be proud of the safety level taken!! The water was pretty cloudy so another trip to this reef may be in order. Joe and I volunteered to stay aboard and be the designated watchers :-)

The Superbowl of course was on the agenda for the evening - great game but we found the commercials for the most part to be disappointing. As for the half time show: we decided we are just too old!

Another nice day on Monday - which was decreed a work day. Time to install the inverter Steve picked up at 70% off at West Marine. First: change the electrical connections on the main electrical panel. Second: totally destroy the inside of the cabin by pulling the floor boards up, the frig out and the freezer out. My job: crawl under the engine compartment to run wires but the best was my wire hooking apparatus made up of a yard stick and a paint roller handle! Worked like a charm!

A new outlet was added to the front cabin that will be powered by the inverter and the outlet for the freezer also to be powered by the inverter. Both are nice to have for when we are traveling or at anchor - and no more running of extension cords through the cabin.

That was all yesterday. We worked from about 10 am until 8 pm to get it done - but we're very happy to at least that much done. Today the final wiring was done and the inverter installation job (inverter on the wall and working!!!) completed :-)

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