Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25: Ft. Walton Beach, FL

Merry Christmas from the cold south. It seems very strange as our Christmas celebration was really in California with Wendy and Becky last week.
Regardless, as I listen to Anne Murray Christmas music (who else!!) as we travel down the waterways it truly does seem like Christmas :-)
The travel yesterday was again cool but with the plastic up the flybridge was comfortable. We traveled another 52 miles yesterday - most of it along the Gulf National Seashore. This is a strip of sand dunes with white sand that runs between the Gulf and the Intercoastal waterway. Too bad it's not warm enough to stop and dingy over as the beaches are beautiful!
New things now that we are in salt water: tides! I could never understand the curvy line on the calendar in Encinitas that showed when high and low tides were so I like the GPS tide charts much better! Very visual - that's what I need for sure. It's also nice to be back in water where you can SEE the shallow areas. The water hasn't been this clear since Lake Michigan. And when I'm not driving? A quick nap time in the sun :-)
The marina here in Ft. Walton is really different. It's a 'working' marina which means it is a place to tie your boat but don't expect anything fancy. Guess this is true since Steve reported the shower has no shower head (just the pipe with water coming out!) and one of the handles to turn the water off and on is a vice grip! But the owner has lots of interesting birds around - including peacocks, guard geese and other birds that I didn't recognize.
The weather is headed from not so good to worse - expecting gale force winds so we are VERY happy to be tied to a dock and plugged in so we can run the heater. Looks like we may be here for a day or two more ......

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