Monday, November 9, 2020

November 9th: Roof is finished, and then more of the same!


Roofing continues

Matt and Wendy's goal was to get their roof replaced before the Fall/winter rains started. A couple weeks ago the project began on Friday and continued on Saturday. It is clearly a labor intensive job even with the conveyor to deliver the shingles to the roof. The project went very well. 

New skylight being installed
I was especially interested in the installation of the new skylight in the bedroom where I sleep when staying there. Looks like they did a great job. 

They didn't quite finish Saturday but said they'd return Sunday. I guess they thought better of it and didn't show. Didn't really expect them to work Sunday anyway. Hmmmm. Rain is forecast for the end of the week. The neighbors had their roof replaced and ended up having to have a tarp put over the roof due to rains coming before it was finished. Don't really want the tarp approach! Sure would be a good idea to finish before it rained. Matt made a call and found out they were on top of it. They also wanted the roof to be finished before the rains came. They finished a couple days before we had a tremendous rain storm over night. Excellent timing.

Franklin - San Elijo Lagoon tortoise

I continue to ride my bike to San Elijo Lagoon and walk around the park. I hadn't really seen the visitor center because I didn't want to go inside. But I walked around the outside.

I discovered there was a resident tortoise, Franklin. He was munching on some flower petals he was given but beyond that not much action. But then he is a tortoise, and still fun to see. At least he wasn't hiding in his house.  

San Elijo Lagoon watershed Diorama

I also saw an impressive diorama of the river coming down to the lagoon and continuing to the ocean. I don't know who did it but it was very nice and showed the large area that drains to the ocean through the lagoon. Nice to see them working to clean it up and protect it. I love California!

Tidal pools, usually under water

I have been waiting for several weeks for the sun and the moon to adjust the tides so they are low when I want to walk the beach. It finally came.

Small fish in a tidal pool

I always try to find things in the tidal pools. There are always anemones, usually closed up, and hermit crabs. If you are patient and don't move for a while, the hermit crabs will come out and start moving. I even found a nice little tidal pool that had a school of minnows in it. 

The coral structure is usually under water

A bonus for the low tide was that it came just before a beautiful sunset.

Cabbage leaves ready
Not a lot else going on so I decided it was time to make some cabbage rolls. It had been long enough since my last batch that I forgot how labor intensive they are to make. Wendy really likes them and so do I. Because they are pretty labor intensive it takes a while to work up the ambition to make them. I bought the cabbage a week ago so I decided it was time. First you have to put the cabbage in boiling water to soften the leaves. Then pull them off one at a time. 

Loading the pot
Make the rice and mix it with the sausage and ground beef. Then roll the cabbage rolls. Put sauerkraut on the bottom of the pot, mix up the tomato sauce and cover the cabbage rolls. Slow bake in the oven for 8 hours. They turned out great!


We ended up with 18 cabbage rolls. We enjoyed them for several days. I think Matt might have even had some. (He is a very healthy eater.)

I was looking for a clean shirt and noticed all the Type One shirts I had made with Wendy were in the laundry. I wasn't going anywhere, so I did the laundry. It struck me as I looked in my closet that I had plenty of shirts. Just not any I chose to wear. Here are two pictures. One, a picture of my old shirts and the other, my Type One shirts. There's no going back! Anyone need some dark, grey, or black shirts?

Old shirts

New - Type One shirts

Here are two pictures. One a picture of my old shirts and one of my Type One shirts. There's no going back! Anyone need some dark, grey, or black shirts?

Julie's new Slovenian shirt 
We had already included my sister Julie, in the Type t-shirt fun. After trying to determine her Type we thought maybe Type 2. The t-shirt in the previous blog is a Type 2 t-shirt. The more Wendy and I thought about it we thought maybe she was a Type 4. So we made her a Type 4 t-shirt to wear for a while and see how it feels. We went with the most obvious Type 4 colors, black and white. We chose a Slovenian folk saying that loosely translated means "The silent water moves the levy.  Meaning, when someone is quiet he/she is usually powerful!" Julie has been studying Slovenian.

Tom's Type 3 Frog shirt

Of course we couldn't stop there. I talked to Linda's brother Tom about a t-shirt. He said he liked frogs and geckos Of course we knew Tom was not about to read Carol Tuttle's book about Types and determine his Type, so it was up to Wendy and me. Linda's brother Pat helped by sending pictures of Tom when he was a kid. We decided he is a Type 3. That determines the colors to use. Pure colors plus black, (shades). No white, navy nor grey. The colors should look rich. So here is what we came up with. 

Tom's Type 3 Gecko shirt

His only comment was, "They're kind of sparkly!" We'll see how he feels after wearing them for a while. (It takes wearing your colors for a while to recognize how comfortable and good they make you feel.)

Since I finished the vintage candy wrapper puzzle, Wendy gave me a puzzle she and Matt had completed. It looked like fun but has 750 pieces. I had to use my small kitchen table and desk to get all the pieces laid out. I was successful in completing the outline. It's more interesting and easier than the blue oceans of the first two puzzles but it is a challenge to look through 750 pieces when looking for one piece. Clearly I need a strategy.

Imag In A Dream 750 puzzle frame 

I know many people are living places where moving into winter is a little different than Encinitas. I remember the grey sky and clouds in Cleveland for many months. But it was a low of 45 degrees here last night. Also, as I walk the beach, the winter tides wash a lot of sand away and expose millions of smooth rocks. It sounds really cool when the waves break on them. But they're hard to walk on. If you suffer from a lack of sunshine perhaps you can live vicariously thru the picture out my window! I know many of these pictures look the same but I never get tired of seeing them. I even saw a green flash tonight!

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