Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wednesday July 18: Lovesick Lock

After breakfast and some last minute shopping, we shoved off from Lakefield headed a short 6 miles upsteam to Young's Point. A loon with 2 young ones were right in the channel next to us – it's always fun to see the loons up here. The loons summer colors are so much better than the all grey winter colors when they migrate south.

Very hot …..but also very windy. We found a spot under the shade of the main highway passing just south of the lock at Young's Point. Noisy but much cooler. It was finally time to hook up the extra battery we had been carrying since NY and just hadn't gotten around to adding it to our house bank. So now 2 batteries for frig and electronics, 1 battery for the engine. It's still questionable as to whether or not we can keep the house batteries charged – especially when we go such short distances every day!

Once the work was done, it was time to relax. Fortunately it cooled off some at night and should be cooler the rest of the week.  

We crossed over the old bridge – kids still jump off of the top into the river!) for a short ride to, of course, breakfast and headed through the lock toward Stony Lake.

The store next door to the lock is still doing well and may be even bigger. And they still sell ice cream cones but at 9 am, it seemed a bit much! Besides, it wasn't even open yet …

We needed ice so we though we'd take a short side trip to McCracken's Landing but sadly – but not really surprising – the store is gone. We did pass Juniper Island on the way to McCracken's and it hasn't changed in the least. Lots of kids in for lessons – sailing and canoeing. We didn't stop as the docks were packed!

The next lock was Burleigh Falls – a double lock replaced by one single lock – with it's distinctive, very loud “booooom” as the doors close behind you. Always reminded me of a dungeon door closing!

We were on our way to one of our favorite locks: Lovesick. There is no road access to this island lock and for that reason is very quiet and peaceful. Steve always fishes from the dam here and today is no exception. He is there now trying to catch a nice pickeral for dinner!

The rock 'cliffs' are still there that I remember as a kid. My youngest brother wasn't allowed to climb up them with the rest of us (parents were afraid he'd fall - guess they didn't care if the other 4 of us did!). Definitely brings back memories.

But first the kayaks finally made it into the water. The area above (and below) is ideal for a paddle around mostly shallow areas. Lots of seaweed but very clear water – it is actually possible to see the fish is the water surface is calm. Steve even spotted a racoon with two young ones walking along the waterline of one of the small islands we paddled around.

We have now traveled 275 miles from Pirates Cove on the Erie Canal with most of it being a leisurely 8 mph with the occasional cruise at 20 mph to keep the spark plugs cleaned off. The "motto" of the Trent System is "Memories Run Deep" and it's so true. As we travel these waters - again - it serves to remind us of the many, many trips and people we traveled with on our own boat and/or rental houseboats. 

Went past the island today where Josh fell out of the 'penthouse' on the houseboat in the middle of the night. Dr. Tom was on hand to check him out and gave him the ok. Donna and Lawrence were with Pat and Becky (with Anna and Josh) on the houseboat as well as Tom. The red line on the map above shows where we have traveled. Today we are at Buckhorn - tomorrow Bobcaygeon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we had so many great memories...the big campfire on Lovesick..we laughed and laughed with Becky , her friend , and Pete. Josh falling out of the Pent house..lead to Pat and I camping on the roof of the houseboat the rest of the week. Pat loved it. :) thanks for being our guide on the trip..god only know we need help.
