Thursday, November 26, 2020

November 26th: Thanksgiving? Really?


I wasn't going to do a Thanksgiving blog. I thought the same as many I talked to, that this was the worst year ever. Having lost Linda, pushed it over the top for me. This has been the most difficult year of my life. 

"So what is there to celebrate?" I wondered. "What am I supposed to be thankful for? I'm living here without Linda, in the middle of a pandemic." Well that thinking certainly didn't feel right. So I thought I'd start a list of things to be thankful for. I did not organize the list in any way. Over the last couple days I just kept adding to the list. Then I decided, "Looks like a Thanksgiving blog to me!" I shortened the list knowing you'll get the idea. Then I decided I have pictures I can include. Many will be repeats but I believe they are worth seeing again. I know being happy in life is all about how you look at things, but sometimes I need reminders. Pictures help.

Riding in Dominican Republic

I'm thankful for 50 wonderful years with Linda. 

I am thankful that the first four months of 2020 I spent with Linda, were wonderful despite the virus.

We had gone pretty far and Linda was holding up quite well. It was great to see her in the kayak again. We were very fortunate with the weather. It was a beautiful calm day, perfect for kayaking.

Bourbon Street New Orleans
I'm thankful Linda did a fantastic job of recording our lives with many pictures that enable wonderful memories to be relived.

What a really terrific time we had in New Orleans (Linda)

I'm thankful for being able to look forward to spending time with my brothers, sisters and their families. They continue to offer support.

Franko gathering at our home in Sagamore Hills

I'm thankful for Linda's brother Tom. 35 years ago he gave her the kidney that saved her life.

And suddenly it was 10 years! We had a celebration at our home in Cleveland - Tom was able to attend and I was so happy our friends were able to finally meet the person who had changed my life so dramatically. (Linda)

When Tom retired, this tribute was posted by his brother, Pat. I'm thankful to have found it to share with you. 

Dr. Tom Drouhard, Linda's kidney donor brother

After 37 years as a surgeon on the Navajo reservation in northern Arizona, my brother, Tom, has retired.
What began as a two-year stint turned into a life of service to the Navajo and Hopi. A comment by a cohort to a photo post of Tom as a much younger man earlier last year presented a good summation of his work:
"Who would have guessed on that day that Tom would someday be a legendary surgeon, known among other surgeons as "The Master"? That he would work tirelessly for years, taking call every other night or every third night for years, and do so cheerfully and with humor? That he would follow two legendary surgeons, and surpass them? That he would have been a superstar in any venue, but he found his home on the Navajo (reservation)? That he would retire as a CAPT in the US Public Health Service? That he would recognize a hereditary bowel cancer in Navajos and call in the experts from the CDC, a significant scientific contribution? I have a dear friend, a Harvard-trained surgeon, double-boarded in Anesthesia and Surgery, who thinks Tom Drouhard WALKS ON WATER. . . and there are a whole lotta people who feel and think that way about him."
Just count Steve and me as two more who feel and think that way about him..... (Linda)

Garden of the Gods, Colorado

I'm thankful for the best possible daughters and son-in-law. Wendy, Rebecca and Matt, who have brought so much joy into Linda's and my life, and they continue to do so.

Steve and Linda on the couch at Central Perk,
 the Friends set. Thanks, to Rebecca

I'm thankful for a wonderful place to stay in California, close to the kids, while we all wait out this virus.

Some of the Drouhard family
I'm thankful for the entire side of Linda's family who have accepted me as their own.

I'm thankful for Rebecca's dogs, London and Trevi, the most lovable dogs ever. I think they miss me!

I'm thankful for Randy, Cindy, Liam, Mia, Gigit and Cricket, our Canadian Banana Bay cruising best friends. I am thankful I can look forward to seeing them in Canada this summer.

Randy, Cindy, Gigit & Cricket
 heading to our boat during a storm at Banana Bay

I'm thankful for so many "Best friends".

I'm thankful I'm living where the sun shines every day, at least almost!

John and Julia
Franko, Steve's parents holding Wendy

Warren and Leona Drouhard, Linda's
 parents, the best in-laws ever.

I'm thankful to our parents. They raised us to live our lives to the fullest, with strong ethical grounding.

I'm thankful I live in a country where despite all our problems, somehow we continue to move forward.

I'm thankful for the great mountain bike Matt helped me find so I don't go stir crazy during this pandemic. 

I'm thankful that vaccines are in the works.

I'm thankful for technology that enables us to stay connected despite the virus.

Guppy at a dock with Rahn de Vous,
 San Juan Capistrano friends Karen and Craig

I'm thankful I have a boat in Canada which gives me something to look forward to this summer, where I can spend time with our Canadian friends. 

I'm thankful for my good health and physical ability that allow me to hike, ride my bike and snorkel.

After many months thinking about it, I am thankful that I believe there was nothing left unsaid between Linda and me. There is honestly nothing that comes to mind like, "If only I had told her." As I said before, we were true soul mates. Of course I still want more. But how can I not give thanks for what we had and what I still have to look forward to in the months ahead?

Please consciously think about taking care of those you love, and have a very happy Thanksgiving. 

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you all the best as you go through this hardship.
