Saturday, November 21, 2020

November 21st: Quick trip to Studio City then back to the usual

 I decided it was time to head out for a Torrey Pines hike. It's a beautiful state park but when the tides are high I can't walk along the beach. The water is several feet high along the cliff bottom. Today was a good day as far as the tides went.

I have been here many times but I am always amazed at the height and beauty of the cliffs along the shore. Typically I would hike up to the top and take a loop trail down to the beach. Today was such a perfect day the place was packed. I had to park very, very far away. 

I found a trail that went through a small park. There were some cool ground pines which I really like.

When I went a little further I came across a great carving in an old tree trunk. I believe the bird was a hawk and there was a nice bench seat that has a great view of the ocean. What a great use of an old tree stump!

I noticed there was a rough trail that went down the side of the cliffs, across the open railroad tracks, and down to the beach. That looked a lot better than walking along the road. I was surprised that there weren't any fences, but other people were coming up the trail so clearly they went across the railroad tracks.

Everything was going quite well until I came to a small river flowing into the ocean. It was about 3 feet deep. Hmmmm. I could take off my shoes and hold my wallet and phone up high, but I decided better to go back up to the highway. Fortunately there was a path up to the road not too far back.

Torrey Pines Beach Trail
So I finally made it to the actual park. The trail going up the cliffs, that is a loop trail down to the ocean down to the ocean, was packed. It is quite narrow and many people were not wearing masks. So I decided to just take the beach trail out and back. No problem with social distancing.

It was a very sunny day so the colors on the cliffs were gorgeous. This little canyon gets a lot of shades so there were quite a few green plants growing making the colors stand out even more.


Torrey Pines Beach Trail South End

I took a pretty long hike considering how far away the car was. But it was such a pretty day I just kept going.

The yellow arrow points to where the car was!
When I turned around to go back I thought, "Maybe I should have turned around sooner!"

Rebecca called Saturday morning and asked what I was doing. She wanted to mount two televisions, one in her gym and one in her living room. Did I want to come up for an overnight visit? Sounded good. Something to do and spend time with Rebecca and the pups! Plus, at the rate the coronavirus is exploding who knows how long before I'll be allowed to make the trip again. Seems like another lockdown is coming.

The gym wall mount was quite easy and went smoothly. Rebecca now has something to watch while exercising.  Good idea, anything that helps maintain the exercise schedule.
Television right upper corner

The next wall mount was a bigger challenge. It was for a 55 inch television. We unfortunately didn't have a stud finder but as Rebecca said, "Just drill a bunch of small holes till we find them. Easy to repair! Better than going to get a stud finder. Plus, they'll be behind the television." Worked for me. We've been trying hard to not venture out unless it is critical. 

The project went well except for one glitch. I had the wall mount too close to one wall so we had to move it over one stud. We both said, "If Mom were here this never would have happened!" 

But in the end it all turned out well. Now I can watch TV while I am cooking at Rebecca's, which I like to do.

This is a view of the living room and new television taken from the kitchen island.

It is actually getting quite a bit cooler here. Not compared to Ohio, but still, 49 degrees last night. I miss not having a fireplace on a cool night but I found this great radiant heater in my closet. It's really quite wonderful.

Lemon cookies

Matt & Wendy's Lemon tree

Wendy has a lemon tree in her back yard. My niece Nora sent us a recipe for Ricotta Cheese lemon cookies. Because we had fresh lemons we felt compelled to make some. They turned out great. Why wouldn't they? Butter, sugar, flour and fresh lemon. Good thing we only made half a batch! Way too good to resist.

Wendy continues to expand her creative projects. She made a very impressive bag/purse from materials/clothes she bought at a thrift shop excursion.

Inside the bag

The inside was even more impressive than the outside. She also knitted the little rabbit in the purse!.

In addition, I spotted several other items on her table. The bags are felt. First she knits the bag and then hand rubs it to turn the yarn to felt. It takes a lot of rubbing.  Also on the table are a fun little dragon and a coaster that she knitted.  I never know what I'll find next!

Then I remembered I took some turns rubbbing a purse she made a few years ago. Of course not nearly as many turns as she took. She uses it quite a bit and it looks like the day she finished it. 


Wendy's hand knitted felt purse

Huevos Rancheros
The best part of the Thrift shop excursion was going to the Fresh Start Cafe for take out Huevos Rancheros. We found the place a few years ago with Linda's brother Tom and we all said they were the best ever. Because it was close to the thrift stores it was an obvious place for take out. The Huevos Rancheros were as good as ever.

Balcony view of morning fog 
We're getting more mornings with ocean fog which rolls in over night. Some mornings it is very thick. These pictures are both from my balcony. The one with fog was taken at 8:30 am. That is the sun in the picture. The other was taken about an hour later after the sun burned off the fog. The nice thing is that the fog almost always burns off by late morning.

Balcony view fog burned off

Now that it is getting dark so early I am spending more time inside. I finished the latest puzzle. It was a lot of fun because there was so much detail. The artist clearly has a good imagination!

Imag in a Dream puzzle - 750 pieces

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