Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday January 30: One Last Christmas Gift -

Steve had received one last Christmas gift from Becky so Becky, Matt and Wendy, Steve and I entered our Google Hangout so they could watch him open this last gift.

A sprout kit!! A what?? For what?? Growing things on the boat .... not sure that was supposed to be allowed but since it didn't take up much room, why not! I like sprouts so what's to lose, right?

After reading the instructions and organizing all of the seeds in the kit, Steve set out to grow his own food. Maybe this vegan thing has gone too far ......

First step: soak the seeds. But each kind of seed has it own soaking time before 'planting'. Assuming you can 'plant' something that just sits in a plastic basket!

The bean salad sprouts needed the longest soak time so Steve began early in the day. The note on top indicated the seeds would be ready to be planted at 9 pm.

In the meantime, the other two types he soaked had come due and were ready to go.

What that meant was a thorough rinsing of the seeds first. Then put the seeds into the special plastic bowl that has holes in the sides for water drainage.

Rinse with water 2 or 3 times a day and keep covered ... and in a dark place. Fortunately the 'dark place' is under the dark green cover provided.

Because these containers are stackable, it really doesn't take up very much room!!

End result are yet to be seen but a peek under the cover indicates we may actually be eating fresh sprouts in the near future :-)

In the meantime, Steve has put his 'new' $15 thrift store food processor to work making cucumber salad.

Worked great and is much quicker than slicing the cucumbers by hand - not that I would know of course but that's another story :-)

 My project for the day was to finally put our new clock back up on the wall. It was replacing our old one that bit the dust.

It was so very annoying because anytime I wanted to know the time I just looked at the clock on the wall - for the last 3 years -until it was suddenly gone .... but I still continued to look at the wall were it was. Very much like the clock on the kitchen wall at the farm ..... (thanks to Tom for replacing it :-))

Of course Steve knows me too well and he knew full well that I would just drill 4 holes and put it up - even though it really needed a good polishing (it's brass) to bring out the real shine.

So he takes it all apart and starts polishing away - wow does it ever look nice! And admittedly he was absolutely right - I would have just slapped it on the wall with the thought of "well, let's get it up and then take it down to polish it" - the the second part probably never happening (at least by me) :-)

This is the best clock ever - and one of my best ebay buys at $15! It has a double swivel so even though it's on the wall at an angle, the clock face can be turned to be parallel to the floor. Crazy thing must weight 5 pounds - what a great clock!!

My world has order again - no more looking at that empty spot on the wall where the clock used to be :-)

It is still very windy - not even any bridge fishing although Steve and Dave tried. And a cold front is coming through tomorrow - which I realize has a lot different meaning than it does in Cleveland ........

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