Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday October 21: Preparations Underway to Head South

Steve is at his last physical therapy appointment and I am on the boat sitting directly in front of the small electric heater - winter is surely coming! The storm clouds yesterday have the look of snow clouds to them but I think we'll be out of here before we need an icebreaker :-)
It's been a good week. Steve is still not really sleeping well but he is getting more and more movement back in his arm. There seemed to be a great deal of interest in his xray so he took pictures of the "before surgery" and next to it is the "after." It shows how close to the ball the arm was broken.
Last Sunday we stopped at the Russian Festival near Fell's Landing. We actually thought it was going to be a much bigger festival than it was - turn out to be a single Russian Orthodox church having their yearly affair. It was fun - Russian dancers, lots of Russian foods (we tried the potato pancakes, cheese blintzs and sausage sandwich with sauerkraut) and many bakery items - which we managed to stay away from :-)
The city of Baltimore has some interesting architecture. Much of the housing consists of row houses with no yards. Even though this is a relatively new block of homes, they are the standard for the housing in the downtown and near suburb area. One of the buildings is shaped like a ship and we finally spotted what we think is the capital building (note the cool giant horse head in the bottom right corner).
There has been good weather as well as the stormy cold weather so we ventured over to Nick's Fish House. It's just around the corner from our marina and overlooks the water. It was too chilly to eat outside but the view was still fun. My 'duh' moment this day occurred when I discovered why I shouldn't stick the GPS on my side window - as I put the window down :-)
Steve finally caught a crab! The hope was that there would be others and thus a crab feast but alas this was the only one. But it gave us a taste of what the Chesapeake is famous for - crabs! What a lot of work though - I'm committed to sticking to lobster. Guess we need to go to Maine.
There were a number of good scores at the thrift stores around here (sometimes you have to just take the entertainment that presents itself :-) ): a new easy to carry water bottle for me and a new coffee pot for Steve (old one is the black one - no heater and only made one cup). He also found some small fish holders for on the grill (hasn't used them yet but I'll get a picture when he does) which were perfect. He was on the look for a cane (part of his exercises) this morning - don't know if he was successful or not yet.
A new couple arrived at the marina a week or so ago: Mary and Lance. They are from New Zealand and will cruise south to the Bahamas for the winter. At some point they will ship the boat back to New Zealand. Wednesday was the last predicted nice weather so the soon to be leaving folks all gathered for ribs and dinner. In the meantime, Mary and Lance held a boat naming ceremony (complete with champagne) for Amanzi.
Last tourist thing in Baltimore: see the Baltimore Museum of Industry. It was really pretty good as it was all about the industries that started here in Baltimore. Many are no longer here due to the evolving nature of types of business throughout 2 centuries. The biggest industry was canning - oysters and green beans. Eventually all of the oyster beds were harvested so that ended that. Black and Decker started here which I found interesting. Lots of old electrical appliances that were probably around when we were kids.
Anyway - we have a few things to do today and we'll be ready to go. It looks like 3 nice days to travel so we should be able to be in Norfolk, VA by Monday night!

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