Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday January 6: Another Project - Really?

Up early and on the road yesterday by 8:30 (yes - I realize this isn't really early but consider the source :-)) headed to the 7-Mile Grill restaurant for breakfast and then a ride across the old 7 mile bridge (which is now about 2 miles long).

Sadly it began raining as we were eating so we waited that out with another cup of coffee - then headed back to the boat. The sun wasn't out and it's impossible to see into the water from the bridge without the sun shining. We were looking for the eagle rays that frequent the waters under the bridge.

So instead, Steve decided it was time to try to straighten the aft railing. We aren't sure what happened but think it likely another boat caught our railing and yanked it without realizing any damage was done. Regardless, the arm of the railing that folds over was about 1/2 inch from actually closing!

It was tied shut with a rope in the meantime but that was just a temporary fix. So Steve stung a piece of chain across the opening and used a piece of threaded rod to bring the two sides together. Didn't work so well.

So he got a BIGGER chain and strung it from one side all the way to the other.

That didn't work either! The next try was with a ratcheting tie down strap we had on board. And that didn't work! Just not strong enough to do the job as the ratchet part bent instead of pulling the strap tight.

Next plan: (I won't mention who's idea this was from the start :-) ) get the BIG BOY ratchet from Home Depot!

Although, I have to admit, I thought the smaller ratchet would have done it.

With the strap strung from one side to the other, it was easy to crank away on the ratchet until the opening was closed.

Except it slowly went open again. Ok - crank it shut plus another 1 1/2 inch overlap.

Unhook the ratchet and back it went but this time it ended up right were we wanted it!

Successful job completion - yea!!

We're getting into a rut already here in Marathon. First it's up and bike somewhere for breakfast.

Note the use of full safety equipment (helmet, water bottle and biking gloves) - there are some crazy drivers around here so we are ultra-careful when riding around.

People have been hit by cars WHILE ON THE BIKE PATH - what part of BIKE path wasn't understood??

We did make it to the 7-mile bridge with sunshine this morning. Sadly though no eagle rays. But a wonderful morning ... and a stop at West Marina - just because we could - on our way back. Today's ride was 9 miles round trip - nice way to work off breakfast :-)

As if that wasn't enough, Steve suggested a kayak ride! So we blew those up for the first time (they will just stay blown up now) and off we went.

Steve went for the full ride out to the mangroves. I went part way and headed back.

Still working on loading pictures into picasaweb ..... plus it's time to think about taxes ..... I just LOVE Turbo Tax :-)

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