Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday November 19: Most of the way through Georgia!

We're anchored in the New Teakettle Creek tonight as the run to a marina was just not a reasonable distance and there is NOTHING in this part of Georgia! We should make it into Florida sometime Monday. The anchorage is very quiet and peaceful - the sunset started out nice and just continued to improve :-) The tide will drop and raise 7 feet by morning so it's important that we are in the center of the creek - would hate to swing into shallow water when the now outgoing tide switches to incoming and the boat swings with it 180 degrees.
The travel days have been nice enough - sometimes cool, windy and others sunny and warm. As we approached the Savannah River, I noticed something over the tree tops: very large container ship. We were crossing the main channel so it seemed like he should get to go first!
Thanksgiving is everywhere of course but it's notable that this turkey is surrounded by blooming flowers :-) The live oaks are everywhere I guess. We had used a courtesy car from the marina last night to go to Walmart for a few things and came to a road that had a height restriction: it was due to a large limb from a live oak tree stretching way across the road!
When I first saw this shrimp boat in this picture from a distance, I couldn't figure out what it was - airplane? half sunken ship? But just a shrimp boat with arms and nets out sitting off in the marshes in a small creek.
The birds were again following us again. It must be the open water.We have passed 4 very large sounds/inlets that can produce some nasty waves if the tide and winds are opposite each other. Fortunately that's not been the case for us.
The last 3 days have been a combined 150 miles. Tomorrow we'll go only 30 - get in early and see if the Browns can do anything! (It's a marina that brings you blueberry muffins and a newspaper in the morning - almost as good as it gets!)

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