Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday September 12: Still Sleepless in Baltimore

The arm continues to improve but it seems it is still hard to lie still for any kind of meaningful sleep for Steve - which means no one really sleeps very well! So we decided to go for a folding "lounge chair" - this it is waiting to be brought on board. It actually works well, fits ok in the boat (with some other furniture rearranging) and provides another place for Steve to move during the night. Sitting too long makes the arm stiff - which causes it to be painful again. Anyway, it's a step in the right direction!
There were fireworks over the Inner Harbor the night before last that were just visible over the large ships sitting around our marina. Not sure why there were fireworks but it was fun to see as fireworks always are!
The cruise ship left yesterday afternoon again. It docks just on the other side of the small harbor here and seems to come and go on a regular basis. So I thought: maybe we could pick up a quick 3 day cruise when we have the boat hauled to have the bottom work done. Well, it was a good thought but the shortest one was a 5-day and went to the Bahamas. Seems like a long way especially given that that's the direction we'll head anyway once we leave here. Norwegian has an 8 day that goes north up the coast and includes Nova Scotia. Mmmm ... that may be a plan. Well, we'll see how soon Steve is up to traveling.
In the meantime, we spend the days reading, sleeping (to catch up on nighttime sleep lost) and driving around Baltimore for short periods of time.
Also: a revelation after watching the Browns lose yesterday. No more wasted 3 hours on a Sunday for me. I'll record the game, find out if the Browns won or lost. If they lost, then I don't watch the game. If they won, then I'll watch it! Perfect solution :-)

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