Saturday, May 1, 2021

April 24th: Trip to Ohio

I had planned to go to Ohio when I left Florida mid May. But due to lots of wind and people I wanted to visit travelling elsewhere at that time, I decided to make the trip April 13th. I hadn't had an in person visit with my family, Linda's family nor friends since Linda's death.

Cindy, Randy & Cricket at the farm

I did not intentionally plan the visit on the anniversary of Linda's death, April 14th, but I was grateful to be with friends and family. A bonus was that Randy, Cindy and Cricket, our Canadian friends, just happened to be driving through Ohio the day I was flying in. They joined me at the farm for two days which was wonderful. We all agreed that Linda had somehow arranged it from above. I enjoyed showing them around the farm, Pleasant Hill Lake and the Perrysville dairy, which was open! It had a new name but the menu looked the same and the hot fudge sundaes were excellent!

Steve and Randy

The weather was perfect. Sunny and low 70's during the day and cool enough for a nice fire at night. Cricket loved the fire!

Steve and Cricket

A tremendous bonus was finding some morel mushrooms.  My niece Mandy had brought some over for us and Randy, Cindy and I truly enjoyed them. It's been several years since we were at the farm and found morel mushrooms. 

Steve preparing the mushrooms

Almost there


I went to the Cleveland Clinic for my long overdue physical. My primary care physician is Dr Yudelevich who is wonderful. All my tests came back very positive. Nice to have that behind me at the beginning of my visit.

Scott and Steve
Thursday I headed up to Olmsted Falls to Scott and Terri's house. It is always fun to get together with them. We played my favorite game, Can't Stop. It was great to get together in person again. And Scott had made me a new DVD of music. He's very good at that.

Terri and Scott

The next morning Terri and I went for a walk in the Metropark. It was perfect weather for walking and nice to get some exercise. Then my sister Julie and cousin Marialice and friend Emily joined us for a great lunch and visit. Again, it was wonderful to see everyone in person for the first time after losing Linda. Somehow it helped. 

Saturday it was back to the Loudonville farm to meet with the Drouhard family. I made Reuben sandwiches thanks to Julie making a trip to Davis bakery for the best rye bread ever and excellent corned beef.

While I was at the farm I took some pictures to send to Linda's brother Tom. He planted the fruit trees and flowers. They are doing great but he's in Arizona so he doesn't get to see the blossoming. I sent him a lot of pictures which he enjoyed. Here are a few. 

Pear tree and peach tree

Jax and Brandy

Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the people at the Drouhard gathering. To the best of my recollection everyone looked pretty much the same except Jax and Solomon, Mandy's children, have grown. Brandy the cat loves Jax. She wouldn't get friendly with me but came running any time Jax called her. The tulip Jax is holding is the prize for finding the most mushrooms. She had an advantage, she's a lot closer to the ground.

Miriam & Annie

So next it was on to the Puffers' house in Medina. It was truly old home day. Paul & Miriam Pendleton plus Sue Hinkle, friends since 1976 in Galion, Ohio; LauraPurnell, friend since 1987 at South Euclid, Ohio, and Dave and Sue Puffer, friends we met at Sagamore Hills in 2,000. But of course Annie, Puffers' new Golden Doodle Puppy was the hit of the visit. Very cute and lovable. I don't think Miriam ever put Annie down!

From Left, Miriam & Paul Pendleton, Sue Hinkle,
 Steve, Dave Puffer, Laura Purnell (Sue Puffer photographer)

We had a great lunch and enjoyed telling old stories. There was of course more food than we needed, but all was good! Great appetizers, (Including Ohio favorite, trail bologna and Swiss cheese), Rueben sandwiches, apple and berry pie, just to mention some items!) We agreed we need to get together sometime when this coronavirus craziness ends! Hopefully at the farm.

Euclid lakefront project
After the lunch gathering at Puffers' I drove to Euclid to spend my last night with my sister Julie. We walked to the end of her street where a three year lakefront project is coming to a close. It was wonderful to see such a great use of the lakefront. We saw a canadian goose sitting on a nest at the fishing pier. Seemed like a strange place for a nest, but then I'm not a goose!

Julie's lemon meringue pie
Julie provided some liver and farina dumplings soup. It was a great way to finish off the Ohio food journey. But then wait, Julie also made a lemon meringue pie! I haven't had that in a long time and it was wonderful.

My flight the next day was in the afternoon so we went to our favorite breakfast place, Gus's. Neither of as had been there since the COVID crisis began so it was a special treat. We had breakfast early enough that I had another piece of lemon meringue pie before I left. After all, it was a long flight back to Florida!

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