Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 31st: Where did December go?

Christmas turkey dinner at Banana Bay
It's hard to believe December is almost gone! We had a nice Christmas Day dinner here at Banana Bay for those who were not travelling. Someone had the great idea to just buy a ready to eat Turkey dinner from Publix. It was delicious. The weather was nice enough that we were able to eat outside. Also, Santa (aka Sharon) provided some home made Christmas scones for us. They were very good.

After our 1 PM dinner we retired to the boat and enjoyed the rest of the day. It was a little windy and cool out on the docks so Linda went into the front v-berth, turned her little heater on and had the virtual fire going on the television. She swore she could feel the heat! Thank you Matt for introducing Linda to the virtual fire.

We are having our family Christmas gathering in California in January. We did, however, share some of Christmas with our family with the help of the internet. Rebecca sent this great picture of London and Trevi with their Christmas gifts. Very impressive pose!

Matt and Wendy sent this fun picture with the Minion Christmas decoration in their neighborhood. Note the warm clothing even though it is southern California! Linda has always enjoyed the Minions.

Matt's Tofurkey

We were surprised to hear that Matt decided they should try a Tofurkey for Christmas. They said the outside was okay and the stuffing on the inside was quite tasty. Linda made it quite clear that she was planning on Prime Rib for our January gathering. No Tofurkey for her!

Linda returns to the gym
Linda's Physical therapy is going very well. Her shoulder is now getting stronger with the help of the exercises. She has also been cleared to start back at the gym on the exercise bike. Her dish washing abilities are back!

There was a break in the winds so I was able to get out fishing one last time in December. Grouper season ends December 31st. I rarely catch a grouper large enough to keep, but you never know.

Black Grouper

I caught a few nice fish and was happy with the way it was going. Then I had something big on my line. I took my time and was able to land this 18.5 inch Black Grouper. Unfortunately, the size limit for Black Grouper is over 24 inches. It was still fun to catch. I took a hurried picture so I could quickly release it back into the water. It swam away just fine. Maybe I'll catch it again next year when it's bigger!!

When I came out of the boat one morning I noticed a pelican just sitting almost next to the boat. It was brown which told me it was a relatively young one. I took a picture and expected it to fly away as usual. Instead it just sort of walked away. Unusual. Later we saw it just sitting in the middle of the parking lot. The dock master called the bird refuge center and someone came and picked it up. The lady said it appeared to be under nourished, not enough food. They have pelican food for just such a purpose and hopefully it will gain enough strength to be released.

I have noticed more birds this year than last. I spotted a red headed woodpecker. First one since the hurricane. I also spotted two snowy egrets. Not a great picture because they were kind of far away but nice to have them back.

The weather has been very inconsistent lately. Lots of windy days, cloudy days, cool days and some on and off rain.

The good news was a spectacular rainbow. It was so large I couldn't get both ends in one picture. It was much brighter than the picture was able to capture.

Matt and Wendy's Washington, D.C
We ended the year reminiscing about the many fun past Christmases. Here are a few memorable photos.

Wendy, Newport R.I. Mansions Gingerbread Houses

Linda hauling tree -2007

Sagamore Hills

Rebecca and London, Glendale Home

Sagamore Hills

 Happy New Year!

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