Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 16th: Easter at Banana Bay

Great news.  The Easter Bunny found us here at Banana Bay. We woke up this morning and found this Easter Egg outside the door. It's definitely Linda's kind of egg! Sharon, our friendly teak refinisher, was noncommittal about it but we feel certain she was the Easter Bunny's helper.

Dove chocolates and mints

We saved our Popgun Easter Bunny from our Arizona trip so we could have an Easter decoration for our front window.  We also used the "Easter Gorilla" from Linda's brother Tom. The gorilla lives on our front dash where he has been since we moved to the boat.

In the Easter spirit, a flock of 10 ducklings showed up in front of our boat. The small water leak on our water pedestal on the dock provides just enough fresh water to keep them around. The first time I saw them all 10 were tucked under the mother.

Later in the day the mother led them to the water where they dove off a rock into the water. They are getting lot of attention from people walking around the marina.

It is not uncommon for people to leave things behind after staying on the boat. When Randy and Cindy left, they not only gave us a lot of food off of their boat, but also left some foam noodles usually used for swimming.  Shortly after they left the winds picked up and we had some rainy days. Unfortunately, when the wind blows a certain direction the dock lines squeak.

Very annoying at night and difficult to stop.  When I saw the noodles Randy left in our trunk I thought they just might work. I slid them over the dock line, around the post where it was squeaking and no more noise! Randy left 4 and we'll be keeping them!

They also left some shampoo and conditioner in our forward head. Again, not uncommon but this time they're more fun than usual.  Can you guess where they took their kids and grand kids when they visited from Canada?

Linda goes back to Miami Friday to have her cast replaced with a splint. We can hardly wait to see the results. We know from the way she can wiggle her fingertips that it's going well!

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