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January 19, 2017:Thanks for all the Positive Thoughts and Prayers
Success! Linda now has new knuckles in her right hand. Thanks for all the support. We were so fortunate to have the surgery moved up to Wednesday, January 18th. The surgery went well and she is once again able to "wave at me" with her fingertips, even with them wrapped up in her splint. She needs to keep her hand above her heart for five days to prevent swelling and to prevent any bumping, so they put that big hammer-like foam thing on her hand/arm. It's very light and works quite well. It even works for sleeping. She can take it off when necessary. We think it will be 8 days and then they'll take that stuff off.
We were treated to a spectacular rainbow the day before we went up for the surgery. Clearly a good sign! I couldn't get to a camera fast enough to catch it at the peak which included a double rainbow, but as you can see it was huge!
Our manatees also showed up just before we left. They have discovered the dripping water leak in front of our boat under the dock. They must be very patient because they only get a few drips at a time. Always fun to see, they are sooooo big!
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