Sunday, December 25, 2016

December 25, 2016: Christmas Memories - We have been truly blessed!

We always enjoyed Christmas and the season. Here are just a few pictures that brought back some pleasant memories for us.

Playing in the snow was always fun! Wendy was an accomplished snow disc rider.

Playing in the snow was my job, not that I minded. This was a giant igloo we made during a major snowstorm.

Mom and Dad Franko holding Wendy after her baptism.

Mom and Dad Drouhard at one of many Christmas Eve gatherings.

Christmas stocking were always filled with fun stuff.

The famous or infamous cactus John gave Scott. We stopped exchanging gifts very shortly after that ......

Matt and I making Aunt Josie's coveted butter creams - a gift to be hoarded by anyone lucky enough to be the recipient of a box!

Seems like we always managed to squeeze in a lobster dinner during the Christmas holidays. This was taken in our kitchen in Cleveland - Steve, Rebecca, Linda, Wendy and Matt.

Nice to have Matt for the heavy work. He has the shovel at the end of the driveway while I am snow blowing.

Not sure why I wanted this branch but was happy to have Matt to help.

Had to decorate the fish!

Not quite Christmas but a great picture of Mom Drouhard and Tom.
Linda is holding the saw but Becky did all the work.

Wendy used her artistic talents when decorating.

I always wanted a big Christmas tree.  When we moved to
Cleveland with a family room with a high ceiling, I
 jumped at the opportunity!

One of Linda's favorite Christmas presents, Minions 
and a Big Bang Theory Glass.

Grandma Drouhard never wanted to miss
 anything, even if it was freezing!

This little cactus guy brings back great Christmas memories.  We sent one to my brother and bought a second one just like it for Mom Drouhard.  She loved it and set it on the kitchen counter.  It's sound activated so he started singing at every little noise. Un-named people started sneaking in and turning him off! Grandma wasn't so dumb - she turned him right back on. We brought hers on the boat and he has been singing every Christmas for over ten years.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Linda and Steve

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