Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 17: At Least It Wasn't Snow!

The 'storm' went through southern California yesterday. Very different than the storms we were used to in Ohio.

Very windy, cool (actually jeans and jacket) and lots of blowing sand!

It's just like snow back home only it never melts. Just sits there until someone sweeps or shovels it away. Or uses a small sweeper machine which picks up the sand which is then returned to the beach.

Quite interesting to watch!

I'm amazed once again at how quickly our time here in Oceanside is passing. Seems like we just arrived but it's actually been a month. Not sure what we do all day ....

Although we did make it to Point Loma by San Diego. The cliffs here are amazing with great tidal pools when the tide is low.

From the road to the point, the view overlooking the bay at San Diego is really amazing.

The presence of the armed forces in this area is huge - maybe bigger than Norfolk, VA (the largest Naval base) area if the Marine Corps base at Pendleton and the Marine Corp Air Station at Mirimar are also included.

We made a visit to the local casino but as you can see we didn't so so well. The cashout voucher was kept as our reminder of why we don't go to casinos .......

But we really went for the buffet anyway - of course the line was SO LONG for the seafood buffet ($20 all the lobster tails and king crab legs you can eat!) we skipped it and found a local place on the way home. Oh well. Maybe before we leave here but we'll have a better plan before we go.

Last weekend was a trip to Becky's place in LA. It was nice for a change :-)

A few things on the repair list: fix the closet shelf that was coming down, fix the dryer (luckily it was only the door switch and the part was easily obtained) and disconnect the buzzer - a really loud obnoxious one!, replace the pressure cartridge in the kitchen faucet and finally - fix the stopper in the bathroom sink.

In between the fixes was a trip to the coast for lunch at the Malibu seafood place and a trip to downtown Hollywood - Mann's Chinese Theatre.

It is the neatest building! The area in front of the theatre is the Hollywood walk of fame with the embedded stars in the sidewalk. At the entrance is are the footprints and handprints of many stars as well.

For more information about the theatre, click here. Of course the day we were there the place was packed with people! The new James Bond movie Spectre was playing - it was actually quite good! Not over the top crazy like some of the James Bond movies have been ....

The rest of the time was spent hanging out at Becky's place and watching her relatively new 3-D crazy huge television!

Lord of the Rings - Return of the King. One of our favorite movies for sure :-)

The sunsets continue to be amazing almost every night. No green flash this night due to the clouds but it really makes nicer colors in the sky.

Steve spent part of today making his great turkey meatballs in preparation for tomorrow.

Matt and Wendy and my brother Tom will be here through Monday - and Becky will join us for the weekend.

Sounds like a party to me :-)

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