Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday March 9: Finally Getting the Cosmetics Done

It was a frustrating trip to try fishing again at the Bamboo Banks. Funny how traveling with the wind masks the real strength of the wind!

Sadly no fish - not that we even had a chance to try. When we tried to anchor, it just wasn't  to be. Couldn't get the anchor to hold in the wind ....

The fish at Bamboo Banks were safe for another day .....

In the meantime, later in the day when we were safely back and tied to the dock, the storm rolled in rather quickly. We knew it was coming - the dockmaster had walked around to make sure everyone was well tied. Including chairs and other things that can become flying objects in high winds! It rained much of the evening - even had some thunder as well. Rain on the roof is an enjoyable thing :-)

The overcast skies stayed most of the next day so Steve decided it was time to take on the cosmetic redo of Yesterday's Dream. The outside teak was long overdue for sure.

It's not a horrible process but it does take time. First all of the spots that are bare need to be sanded.

Then once that's done, it all needs to be wiped down with acetone or mineral spirits.

This is a process that is easy to do - unless we wait too long and then it becomes a much harder process. This southern sun is very hard on the finish (we use Cetol - kind of like a varnish but much easier to use) so getting it redone early is definitely better.

Once Steve has everything ready (he definitely does the hard part), then we both paint on the cetol. Three coats. Three days. Today was the third day for 3/4 of the boat but only day two for the other 1/4.

So tomorrow first thing we'll put the finish coat on the last 1/4 of the teak trim.

It's looking really good!!!

And for a special lunch during all of this work, Steve managed to find lobster tails reduced. That plus the corn that the neighbor dropped off to us made a perfect combination.

What a great lunch!!

Finally today was another polishing of the clock. OK - this thing is getting tarnished just too fast. Last time it was redone was less than a month ago. Solution? Polish it up again and then coat it with a spray lacquer made for metals. Home Depot special. The guy said it would work well so it didn't seem there was much to lose in trying it.

An added bonus was getting the letter openers we received from Rebecca for Christmas (she had been to Africa) mounted on the wall under the clock. Thanks!!

Seemed like the perfect place for them :-)

Tomorrow: a bus trip to Key West to meet friends from another life in Cleveland: Laura and Barbara!!

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