Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday June 1: In the Water at Fenelon Falls

On Thursday, after 2 days of putting things away and cleaning up 9 months of storage dust, it was time for Guppy to go into the water. Steve had spent most of Wednesday polishing and waxing the sides of the boat as it's just too hard to do once the boat is in the water. What a not fun job …..

The weather cooperated on Thursday with bright sunny skies and warm temperatures – we were definitely ready to be on the water! And it only took 3 trips on the bikes to move out of the motel room.

It was a short 10 minute boat ride to the Fenelon Falls lock – the engine ran well after some trying starts (I installed an electronic ignition to replace the points in the distributor but after the 3rd phone call and trying 3 different fixes, the points went back in!). We'll try the electronic ignition another day to see if we can figure out what is the problem.

We felt like we were home :-)

First thing on the agenda was a road trip to Peter and Cheryl's home. They live a short 2 hours from here near Midland on Georgian Bay. The plan is to join them for a trip on the Bay. Deja Vu should be in the water in a few weeks which is about the time we'll arrive by boat.

Guppy was left for the night as the only boat docked at the lock yesterday but when we arrived back today there were another half dozen boats - even though it had rained much of the day.

Peter and Cheryl's grandson Jacob kindly gave up his room for us for the night. Thanks, Jacob!! Steve loved his pet which lives in the room: a spotted lemon gecko. Personally I was fine with just taking the picture – looked too much like the iguana's in Florida for my taste :-)

We had a great time seeing Peter and Cheryl again and enjoyed dinner with both Peter's mom, Lorna, and Cheryl's mom, Lois (we first met Lois when we traveled for a few days with Deja Vu last fall), as well as one of their sons, Craig, and his family. Cheryl made a great vegetarian spaghetti and sent us packing with leftovers to boot!

They also loaned us a small generator to try out. It's been an ongoing debate as to whether or not we really need one. Spending the $900 forone was definitely not something we were anxious to do if we ended up finding it just wasn't that helpful to have. So this was perfect – try it and make a decision. Of course the first thing Steve wanted to do was to have a toaster oven since Guppy has only a 2 burner cooktop. But if he can make his spinach lasagna who am I to complain!

He knew right in Orillia (on our way back to the boat) where to find a Goodwill store and there was a choice of 3 toaster ovens For $10.01 how could we go wrong?

Becky arrives from LA tomorrow night – let the adventure begin :-)

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