Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday May 1: Anchored off of the Waccamaw River, SC

So surprise upon entering the marina bathroom last night and finding a Mansfield sink! I know it's probably weird but I always check to see if the china fixtures are from Mansfield Sanitary or not.

This was a business started in part by my grandfather and is where my dad worked most of his life. It was sold in the 70's but I still look for the brand. It's actually been a while ....

Again it was up and on the water by 7 am. What's with the early mornings? Truth be told I was awake by 6:30 anyway. This has got to stop!!!

Low tide when we left - in the mud pretty quickly but a fast reverse and a change of direction made short work of the low waters. It's so much easier traveling at high tide instead of low tide.

So you have to figure out the 6 things that are wrong in the picture to the right. All is revealed below - spoiler alert!

1. The sky is cloudy and the sun is not too be seen anywhere.

2. Calf length socks instead of the regular shoe toppers.

3. Jeans.

4.  Winter gloves.

5.  Insulated mug containing hot chocolate.

6.  The layered look of t-shirt, long sleeved denim shirt, and finally a windbreaker.

Yes - it was cold today! And yet we continue to move north :-)

But a pleasant day nonetheless. We are now north of Georgetown, SC on the Waccamaw River. A nice eagle was spotted along the river - it's such a change from the marshes of the last few days.

Many cypress trees and the almost always present osprey and their large nests line the waterway. This is one of the prettiest rivers on the trip north.

We had a nice current going so ended up traveling 75 miles today - picked out a nice anchorage just off of the river in Sandhole Creek. The charts said 7 feet at the first part of the creek but we found about 12 feet - which is fine. NE winds of 15 knots predicted - perfect place to be.

Wide enough to swing with the change of current - anchor sticking on the first try (awfully good in fact - we may be stuck on a log - who knows - we'll find out tomorrow morning :-))

Best of all? I am able to pick up an over-the-air Fox station tonight (our Direct TV dish can't pick up a signal when we anchor because the boat moves too much).

I mean, really, it IS American Idol and they are down to 4!

Tomorrow : likely stay somewhere in Myrtle Beach.

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