Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday November 27: Darien, GA - Oops :-)

 It must be the thing for herons to do around Savannah - ride the current down on floating debris. This guy was certainly enjoying the ride!

The night at Savannah was quiet - with the occasional tug going by rocking us at the dock. Some folks really complained about the waves (there is no 'slow zone') but it wasn't as bad as we've had other places. Definitely keep me awake though.

Finally - a place to go to breakfast AND the time to do it. I settled for my grilled home fries with mushroom and onions but Steve went for the gold: French toast with peaches, pecans and whipped cream!

He totally scored :-)

Regardless, it was nice to have someone bringing me coffee in the morning!

We were off fairly early to take advantage of the current going OUT of the Savannah River - unlike yesterday when somehow the current didn't change when we thought it should.

A very easy 18 miles to our marina for the night at Isle of Hope, south of Savannah.

They have a loaner car so we took advantage of it to get some things at the hardware store, a prescription refilled at CVS and a stop at Publix to re-provision.

Plus time to take a bike ride around the area. Many many old live oaks with hanging Spanish moss. It was a pleasant day as long as you were in the sun - or riding a bike.

Interesting neighborhood with new homes mixed with very old homes.

We also had time to do a load of laundry which was nice. Time to keep moving on ....

Which is why we were up early this morning. Steve woke me up and 10 minutes later we were on our way. The currents were going our way - plus there were other boats leaving and I really don't like to follow someone all day long!

Coffee and an english muffin were totally enjoyed as we motored on down the waterway.

Steve spent most of the day working on the wiring. Seems half of our outlets are not working (this has been an issue for about a week or so). He stopped only to bring me food :-)

It was an incredibly calm day most of the time (except when the rain went through - which missed us). Mostly river travel with several large sound crossings.

Only one issue: I ran aground going up the Darien River. The tide was coming in but was at almost dead low. The river is off of the ICW with the channel marked but clearly there has been shoaling over the years.

Fortunately, I was able to back up and get to the deeper water. First run aground for quite a while - and it's still no fun - ever. Good thing, once again, that it's Georgia mud and not Georgia rock!

Tomorrow: Jekyll Island and then finally FLORIDA!!!!!

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