Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday April 5: At Anchor near Stuart, FL

Since leaving Banana Bay, we've traveled about 250 miles. Which by car would be a half day trip. By water: 7 days! We are currently anchored near Stuart, FL in a small bay called Manatee Pocket. The picture left gives an idea of how far north we've traveled since leaving the keys. For now, the goal is to travel to Jacksonville where we will leave the boat for a few weeks while traveling to NC (to Matt/Wendy's) and then back to Ohio for a week or so. Clicking twice on the picture will enlarge it - just a bit easier to see!;df fo asof sf [sdf [saodf asfds fasofk sfk sdofk s[afk asodpf sof sfk sopf[skf s[fk asfoksd[f aspfs[of safks[fkasf sdofs oo df ka[pko [pfks fe9 we9k p kpk ee9e fwfka[fk awfafwekf[ kfa[kfwae0af9eaw[f0fawe[ awf ef
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The last night we spent in Hollywood was rather interesting. It was a warm evening so ice cream at the boardwalk was definitely in order again as was the stop at the bandshell where a couple called Coney Island was playing. Then back to Joe's Tiki Bar and Grill where we sat on the front of Peter and Cheryl's boat and listened to the guy singing as well as the karaoke folks. Next thing we knew, Peter and Steve were at the mic! Hard to believe - singing not once but three times! I'll try to include a bit of a video of the action next blog :-) Of course we were up for the sunrise again and afterward headed down the waterway.
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Given that we are traveling along the "gold coast of Florida" I guess it makes sense that we see huge homes and huge boats along the waterway. It continues to amaze me that so many people have so much money! Where do they get it all??? And how can anyone afford the upkeep on these homes and boats? Oh well ..... It was quite windy yesterday (from the south) so many of the few anchorages were quite wavy - including the one where we ended up. But the winds died late into the night making for a peaceful sleep.
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Lots and lots of bridges along the way as well. Some we can get under (we are just a bit over 21 feet with the mast) but others we just have to have raised. Most are raised only at set times like the hour and half hour or 15 and 45 after the hour. It's always a challenge to go the right speed to arrive at the bridge at a good time. Anyway after 40 miles today we ended up at a very nice anchorage in Manatee Pocket near Stuart. The holding is good and the fishing is good also! Steve ended up catching 3 catfish which Peter took back to their boat - thankfully. The storm that is currently in Alabama is headed this way so we're planning to weigh anchor at 8:30 so we can make it to Ft. Pierce before the storms hit. Sounds like we may be there a couple of days based on the weather. Never been to Ft. Pierce so it should be fun :-)

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