One thing I will say is that if we were going to get stuck somewhere by weather, Gore Bay was the perfect place to do so! Very nice harbor and excellent place for groceries, well stocked hardware store and, more importantly, a great breakfast place! The marina is very nice as well but the winds are finally predicted to change directions and slow a bit so we will leave tomorrow at 6:30 am and head for a two and a half hour run to the Benjamin Islands - one of the MUST SEE in the guidebooks.
To give you and idea of the volatile weather we have had for the last three days, the two pictures below were taken minutes apart - one looking out the door to the north and the other looking out the door to the south. We choose to look out the south door :-)
Of course being in a port for the third day straight leaves lots of time to work on projects. Steve finished up the lazarette hatch project and then began another one that he has been wanting to do for quite some time: see if the parquet floor can be refinished and how hard it wold be. So the trial was one of the steps into the cabin. Turned out well - so now the question is whether or not it's worth the time/energy to do the rest of the floor.
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