Thursday, August 20, 2009

Saturday, Aug 15: Port Dover, Ontario

As we left Barcelonia and were traveling east along the south shore of Lake Erie, we decided to divert north to Ontario. Port Dover was the goal. The Port Dover Yacht had room for us so over we went. The 7 hour trip took us over the deepest part of Lake Erie(200 feet) and out of sight of shore for a good part of the trip. Good thing the lake was nice and calm! It's a weird feeling to look around and see nothing but water!
Turns out that Port Dover is the tug boat capitol of the world (not really but it seemed that way!). There is a boat maker there that makes tugs as regular boating vessels but the cutest little tug was tucked in between a couple of the larger ones. It made a trip past our boat but we weren't fast enough with the camera.
The dock at the yacht club was not wide enough (13 foot beam) so after a few tense moments of current, wind and being in a relatively small channel with lots of other boats around, we were able to get docked. Whew!!
Port Dover is the gathering place on the weekend for what seemed like all of southern Ontario - it was kind of like a coney island/street fair. We share a picnic table with a lady from Hamilton (near Toronto) who used to live in Euclid and whose sister currently lives in Feneleon Falls overlooking the canal we travel on every year. Small world :-) Every Friday th 13th, 30,000 motorcyclists decend on the place - doesn't seem like a time I would like to be there!

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