Friday, September 6, 2024

August 28th: Adjusting to California life vs. Canada

It is 98 degrees outside today! Very unusual. I decided it was a good day to catch up on the blog. Fortunately, it will be back in the high 70s tomorrow.

 I returned to California at the beginning of August. I felt like I should still be in Canada but that just didn't work out. So I set out to adjust to my new place in Laguna Niguel. One of the first things I did was to change the kitchen lighting. The lights were very sterile white. It felt like a hospital operating room! The solution was pretty simple. I swapped out the bulbs and was very happy with the result. Seems like a small thing, but every time I turned the light on it was annoying. If you look at the pictures you'll notice the "After" is much warmer colors.



My boating friend Fran told me she was going to a Hoffy Tour to the Nixon Presidential Library near Anaheim. After the library the schedule included lunch and a visit to an art museum. Sounded good so  I signed up. 

The tour was very interesting. I learned a lot about presidential libraries. Turns out the National Archives controls what is displayed. They fact check any thing presented for accuracy. I learned a lot about many positive things Nixon contributed. Things like OSHA, the EPA and many worker protections came in under his leadership. Also, his international diplomacy efforts were significant. Unfortunately, his political choices in governing caused his down fall.

Nixon was supportive of the space program so in one room, when we looked up, there were life sized astronauts on the wall. It was a cool representation.

There was also an exact replica of the Oval Office. It was smaller than I expected. The guide got a picture of us by the desk.

There was an interesting portrait on the wall. I think it was George Washington. But the funny part is people thought he had his hand in his coat mimicking Napoleon, The story is the portrait cost less because there was only one hand to paint.

Next we went to lunch at the Packing House. A local architect is reclaiming old buildings to save the historical architecture. This warehouse he turned into a food market with restaurants. All the vendors are local. No chains. It was a fun place with a lot of good food options.

There was even an old Ford tractor on display. (I have no idea why other than it was fun.)  It is very similar to the one Linda and I used on the farm to grow sweet corn.

And of course there were many pastries and desserts!

Next we went to an art museum that was very interesting. This link shows a lot but I included this one painting I found entertaining.

Hilbert Art Museum


After a day on tour, I joined the Laguna Niguel YMCA and started playing pickleball. The combined Community Center and YMCA is wonderful. There are many activities and even a biological nature preserve. 

The preserve is on the side of a mountain with probably a mile of trails that are all loaded with interesting plants. One highlight is the Labyrinth. The plaque explains the history.

There are many fun paths and tunnels to hike.

Small dry creek running down the mountain side

I'm still hoping to see a rattlesnake, just as long as I don't startle it!

Next on my agenda was working on some boat projects. We were scheduled for a 6 day cruise to Catalina Harbor. Fran was camping in Mexico with her three sons' families so I took the opportunity to complete some boat projects in anticipation of several cruises we planned.

Fran's teak blinds had taken a beating over the years and she thought she'd have to replace them. Not easy and expensive. Before she left to Mexico I said, "Let me see what I can do." They aren't perfect but I removed all the broken slats and oiled and sanded the inside surfaces. They turned out pretty well. Here are a few before and after pictures.

Before pics

Mid project, finished on the right

After Pics

I included a lot of pictures because it was a labor intensive project and I like seeing the results.

I walked out on the aft deck and on the dock was a very large sealion. She was not skittish at all and did not like being disturbed!!

Craig and I wanted to check out the trails behind my place. We could see them from my balcony. The views were spectacular. Shortly after we started we climbed the mountain which overlooked my apartment complex. The arrow points to my 2nd floor apartment. You can see why I love the view from my place.

Trail along the ridge
The hike was about 4 miles with a lot of elevation. It got a little tedious on the way back but the views were worth it.

Saddleback Mountain in the distance

Spencer Day
I had come back from Canada early so I had no particular events planned. Craig, Karen and I went to the Laguna Arts Festival concert last year which was fun. Turned out, their friends who were planning to attend couldn't both attend so I got the extra ticket. The performer, Spencer Day, was very enjoyable. Also, the concert takes place with a huge art display that goes on throughout the summer. Pictures are discouraged so no pics but the art work is wonderfully creative. This site has a lot of information/pics. Festival of the Arts

I purchased a Goldfish Plant that I was told would attract hummingbirds. I put it on my balcony and the hummingbirds love. I went back and bought a second plant thinking maybe they would share. But the little guy in the pictures, I named him Hummy, is very aggressive. The other birds have to sneak in and out. Hummy sits on my railing like King of the mountain.

Hummy at the bottom of the plant

Craig met Fran and me to help put the dinghy on the bow. We would use it a lot at Catalina. We succeeded but the control for the davit which hoists it up and down was erratic. Not good. We would definitely need the dinghy. I took the controller home and inspected it. No wonder why it was erratic. The wires were frayed and corroded. Fortunately, an easy fix and we were good to go.

Next blog will report on Catalina and especially Cat Harbor. A truly amazing place!

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