Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Tuesday July 4: Leaving Smith Falls

We actually managed to stay awake Saturday night until the fireworks started at 10. The view from the boat was pretty good and the show was actually quite nice - somewhat unexpected as this town is not very large and it seems fireworks are rather expensive.

Well done Merrickville!!

We were up and off Sunday early in order to make the first lockage through the 3 locks (not really flight locks but just one right after the other.

It was a surprise to see the dockage above the locks to be wide open! Just yesterday the place was packed.

So instead of the intended move on to Smiths Falls, we pulled in and stayed at Merrickville another night! Light travel day of 1.3 miles :-)

It was as nice Sunday as it wasn't nice Saturday. The docks overlooked the nice park and with it still being the holiday weekend, there were people everywhere! Sad that yesterday was so miserable.

The day was spent people watching and just enjoying the pleasant day.

Steve and Craig went for an extended kayak ride - it was a great area for it.

Shortly after leaving yesterday, a beaver hut was spotted along the canal. They are actually pretty easy to pick out with the giant mound of sticks built up.

No sign of the beaver though.

Further along the waterway (which for this stretch was most a narrow channel surrounded by lots of marshy areas) Steve saw a loon with it's two young chicks. I've circled the chicks in red.

When the loons have chicks with them what typically happens is the male loon will dive down or in some way try to distract the 'intruder' from the rest of the family. But the female will stay on the surface to protect the chicks.

So chicks being around gives us an ideal way to long distance get a decent picture. Without chicks, both loons would dive pretty quickly.

On the right is a typical smaller isolated lock on the Rideau with the roadway running over the center of the lock.

The bridge is actually balanced well enough that it can be pushed open and closed by the lock personnel!

I'm thinking most of these bridges are original to the area but then who knows :-)

In the locks, I tend the line at the stern with Steve taking the line in front. Typically, I can't see him as we are both of course on the same side of the boat.

Yesterday, Steve was busted by Karen who found him to be lying down on the job!

Looked like a pretty cushy way to do a job and still be comfortable :-)

Anyway, we ended up back at Smiths Falls - about 14 miles travel.

The park setting is so nice, power is available and wifi as well. It's always a special treat to have wifi actually available on the boat!

The plan for today is to move a whole 2 1/2 miles south to the lock at Poonamalie. It's supposed to isolated and beautiful.

Sounds like our kind of place :-) Rahn de Vous will stay another night here in Smiths Falls and we'll hook back up again tomorrow!

Happy 4th of July!!

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