Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday July 15: Killarney

After leaving the Bad River and Deja Vu behind Wednesday morning we bounced around for a couple of hours on the open waters of northern Georgian Bay. Not fun but doable.

 In the distance we could finally begin to see the Le Cloche mountains in the distance. This 3.1 billion year old mountain range is thought to at one time be higher than the Rocky Mountains - it is made of white quartzite and is very distinctive in it's height.

We turned north into Beaverstone Bay and it's amazing quartz and granite walls. What an amazing cut through this area. The evidence of glaciers carving the rock is all around.

We continued through Beaverstone Bay to Collins Inlet and began looking for a place for the night.

Winds were from the SW at 15 knots but once in the inlet it was quite tolerable.

We stopped at a small indent in the south side of Collins Inlet and spent a very nice night. Winds came up for about an hour but then settled down.

What more could we ask for in an anchorage!!!

It was a sort of sleep in day - well at least until 7:30 or so :-)

The winds were supposed to come up later in the day and we still had an open 4 miles to go to Killarney where we intended to spend a couple of days.

The passage was again amazing. A natural narrow inlet with many small areas.  Some of the trees along the waterway were dying due to the high water of the last couple of years. Three years ago, the waters here and in Georgian Bay were very low - now all are about 3 feet above normal. We've heard it's due to the extremely high snowfall for the last two years.

Pleasant enough day. Shorts and jacket from the flybridge (until we hit the open water and then the plastic went in!).

Still very nice cruising areas.

After 4 miles of, once again, open, bumpy water we made the turn into Killarny. Designated by the lighthouse of course!

For some  interesting history on the lighthouse, click here.

Once docked and settled - Steve sought out the good stuff :-) A very nice semblance of a chelsea bun. EXCELLENT :-)

Plus a bottle of brandy recommended by the lady at the LCBO. Made in Italy - what could be more intriguing, right?

Especially since the LCBO had a dock for drive in service! Never saw that before!!

Steve made a LONGER than anticipated ride to Lake George. Beautiful but not the easiest ride :-)

Beautiful granite cliffs - can't really get a perspective on the size of them in this picture.

A stop at the lighthouse on the way back - looking toward the entrance to Killarney.

Little Current (next internet stop) in a few days :-)

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