Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday January 30: Accidents For a Reason

I think sometimes accidents happen for a reason. Steve went to the grocery store yesterday and by accident purchased a can of diced potatoes - normally he buys the sliced kind - someone put a can in the wrong row.

A great breakfast food and it turns out that the diced ones are actually better than the sliced which are better than the whole canned potatoes!

These canned potatoes have a long history in our boating past. Many was the dinner in the 80's that we fried these canned potatoes in oil and butter on the Coleman stove on shore as we traveled through the Trent Canal in Ontario - traveling with my parents on two 26' Sea Rays. What memories!! Now the potatoes are totally non-fat but just (well, almost) as good :-)

Yesterday was a great day to go fishing so Steve headed out to the 7 mile bridge with Werner (from "It's About Time"). The day was perfect! Fishing was ok with one keeper grunt (but I don't clean grunts - even though I did - sorry Dave) and one keeper yellow tail (a first for fishing under the bridge!). (You may not notice that Werner held his fish out at arms length trying to convince me it was worth cleaning :-)  )

I will, however, claim most of the credit for the fish as I received a phone call about 15 minutes after they left in the dinghy. Steve says "How ambitious do you feel?"

Well, this is my alone time. A short 3 hours if I'm lucky...

Seems they left behind the live shrimp (in the bait bucket tied to the dock). Could I borrow a car and meet them at the bridge with the shrimp?

Why not .... so I borrowed a neighbor's car and headed down the 3 miles to the bridge and took the shrimp. Luckily I got the last parking space otherwise I could see a ticket in my future as I was parking there - space or no space.

That was yesterday. Overnight the weather turned again. These darn north winds bringing that nasty stuff from Ohio. Just quit already!

Thunderstorms and rain at night, sprinkles and cloudy skies all day today.

So what a better time to do work, right!

It's time the generator had a paint job so today was the day to start cleaning it up so we could paint it tomorrow or the next day. It's really a smaller place that Steve CAN get into .... but sometimes I am concerned that he won't be able to get out of so I volunteered.

Cleaned up and ready to go on the first decent day to paint and have the boat opened up to allow it to dry.

In the meantime, two great things! First Steve made me a pair of slip on shoes by cutting off the heel of a pair of my shoes.

Orthotics still fit and I can easily slip these on and off my feet. Perfect for trips to the hot tub and pool or for just schlepping around the boat in the morning :-)

I am one happy camper!

The other thing? Steve found these Cocoa Roast Almonds at Publix the other day.

What a find! And a handful of nuts a day is on the list of ok things to eat.

If you like chocolate, you'll LOVE these!!!

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