Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday December 9: Serenity Island - Third Time Around

We are anchored tonight (Sun) behind Serenity Island. This is the 3rd time we've anchored here and it has always been a great place. Tonight is no exception. There is little wind, a few stars and many Christmas lights present on the nearby shore.

This is our last night traveling with Joe and Joy on High Spirits as they will be stopping tomorrow for a few days and then afterwards will be traveling for the holidays to see family. Eventually we'll see them in Marathon.
It's been fun traveling with them - and I think overall the women have had the upper hand in the Euchre :-)

Cocoa ended up being a two day visit instead of the expected overnight stay due to the fog on Sunday morning. Since we couldn't even see the interstate bridge which runs close to the marina, it seemed like staying in port was a good thing.

It was foggy the previous day as well but not bad enough to keep us from traveling.

And who would have guessed that we would have run into Amish products from Millersburg, OH! The breakfast place of choice was called the Amish Deli - only they were more than a deli and they had many products that came from Ohio and in particular Millersburg.

Funny seeing the cheese here. Oddly though I saw no trail bologna which as I recall was also made by Troyer.

Cocoa Village was only about 2 blocks from the marina. Lots of cute boutiques and other touristy shops.

A number of murals along the streets as well - Steve, Joy and Joe tried to disguise themselves as a part of the mural but no one was fooled :-)

The Christmas parade was also Sunday - interesting. I think every kid that lived in the city was in the parade! But Mickey, Minnie and Sponge Bob Squarepants made it as well.

And of course no Christmas parade is complete without the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Clause. The sunglasses threw me off though - almost didn't recognize them! It must have been really hot under all of those clothes as the temperatures were in the high 70's in the shade.

The extra day did give us time to attend a local production of "A Christmas Carol" - which was extremely well done. It's the first live show we've seen since I don't remember when - maybe the Phantom in Toronto.

We did luck out and won one of the bills being passed out to the parade watchers. Somehow we didn't think it really was a valid bill though.

Wonder if there is a law against something like this!

We finally let Cocoa this morning about 10 or so. High Spirits is pretty fast for a sailboat and I thought about just following them but after 30 minutes or so that was enough of that :-)

Diesel engines like to be run at temperature and going slow just clogs up the engine so around them we went. Joy waved as we passed.

We weren't anchored more than 15 minutes or so and along came High Spirits. The boats are tied together here. Joy went kayaking and Steve went swimming - a first in a long time.

Once again a great sunset. There were flocks of birds flying by tonight. Not sure what they were though. Some white egrets maybe? These are cormorants I think ....

Tomorrow we'll continue heading south for the Keys. No agenda - the way we like it :-)

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