Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday August 5: Anchored at St. Albans Bay

Sometimes it seems like we travel a long way to go a short distance. I was looking at one of the brochures we picked up along the way and decided it was no wonder! After leaving Montreal and traveling 2 long days of 60 miles each day, we ended up only 24 miles from Montreal when we arrived at Chambly. They were building all kinds of canals - why not one that went directly from Montreal to Chambly! Anyway, if anyone is interested in owning a fort, the one below is for sale. It's in NY just south of the Canadian border. Looks like it has potential with all of the stone arches already in place :-)
Anyway, we were on Lake Champlain on a lovely day with a nice light wind. Following Skipper Bob's suggestion, we traveled through what is called The Gut (shape?? small connector lake?? Not sure why the name) which is not a good anchorage because of the shallow depth. Any water less than 8 or 9 feet is all seaweed. It's very hard to get the anchor to really dig in and hold as the seaweed is too thick. So on we went to St. Albans Bay on the east side of the lake. It was a great place to anchor in the predicted N winds - plus there was a public boat ramp nearby. So Christopher (Terri and Scott's son) brought his kayak up (about 45 minutes from his house) and spent the night!
He and Steve tried their hand at fishing - this was the biggest of the night - not such a great place to fish it turns out :-) We left about 11 am and headed south toward Burlington as Saturday was predicted to be chances of storms, rain and 10 - 15 mph winds. The farther south we travel on the lake, the more the mountains begin to appear. Both Vermont and NY have mountains but much more so on the NY side.
The only thing I remembered about Burlington from when we were here 25 years ago by boat was the huge hill we had to walk up to get to downtown. The hill is still there! Christopher, Teresa and Owen met us at a marina dock and it was dinner on the boat. Great shrimp and cheeseburgers on the grill. Owen seemed to really like being on the boat - especially walking around and hanging over the front to watch the water.
Chris, Owen and Steve went swimming - the water temp of 75 degrees is MUCH warmer than it was when we were here in June 1984 - Becky and Steve turned blue and were in the water about 30 seconds! Very deep lake - talks a long time to warm up a bit :-) Owen had the most fun pushing the noodles away so Steve would swim over and bring them back. He talks like crazy even though most of the time I'm not sure what he is saying. Except today he learned a new phrase "truly amazing" - and he just keep saying it. What a stitch!

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